
We're here to help
you innovate

need to innovate

Innovation has always powered the world’s most successful and profitable businesses – even in times of difficulty. But thinking about what your business does tomorrow is not easy when you’re focussed on delivering what it needs to today.

That’s where we come in.

Our mission is to help businesses do
great things by putting creativity and
innovation at the heart of what they do.

Meet Rob

Rob Lewis is our CEO and a long-time innovation consultant for some of the UK’s biggest companies. He has spent over 20 years delivering innovation for brands including Nurofen and Durex. Rob started Propeller because he believed technology could make the processes, techniques and 
tools he’d learned over more than two decades accessible 
to every business – not just the ones that can afford 
fancy consultants.

Got a question? Feel free to drop him a line

Want to chat?

Drop us an email about anything you like
and one of our team will be in touch soon.